American Restaurant
Kansas City, MO
200 E. 25TH ST.
Debbie Gold’s cooking, best described as a "luxurious version of New American cuisine," revolves around a "superb and original command of ingredients" that includes dishes like Campo Lindo 63-degree egg with porcini, summer truffle and rice pudding and duck breast with turnips, pickled blueberries and pumpernickel jus. But while Gold’s cooking is reason enough to visit by itself, no review of the American Restaurant would be complete without mentioning its history. It was constructed in 1971 by the Hallmark Corporation, across from their corporate offices, as a tribute to American cuisine. James Beard developed the opening menu, and the dining room was designed by Warren Platner, the architect who designed Windows on the World at the New York's World Trade Center, and is evocative of that now-demolished complex. |