Nobu Dallas
Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX
400 Crescent Ct. | 214-252-7000 |
What can we say about Nobu Matsuhisa that hasn't already been said? Given the number of restaurants he runs, we keep expecting we will come upon a location our reviewers can't recommend. But that never turns out to be the case, including at this outpost in the Rosewood Crescent Hotel, where you are likely to find "cowboys and debutantes enjoying the house classic dishes" like toro tartar and spicy creamy shrimp. Given how difficult it is to find high-quality fish in the city, reviewers say "this is your best bet if you have a craving for sushi. True, there were some complaints about a "static menu," but the same reviewer chalked it up to "being a chain, albeit a good one."
Photo courtesy of: Nobu