San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
1015 Battery St. | 415-391-2555 | www.piperade.com
Through his use of organic ingredients, Gerald Hirigoyen brings local sensibilities to his native Basque cuisine in dishes like piquillo peppers stuffed with goat cheese and raisins and Pacific snapper with fried garlic vinaigrette. Hirigoyen offers a classic Basque dish of the day, like calamari sautéed in its own ink, while the restaurant's namesake, finished with a poached egg and a slab of Serrano ham, is always on the menu. They emphasize Basque wines when they can. "Hirigoyen's cooking is as precise as it is soulful. Basque meets California in top-shelf ingredients and bold flavors."
Photo courtesy of: Ulterior Epicure