Woodman's of Essex
Essex, MA
Essex, MA
121 Main St./Rte. 133 | 978-768-6057 | www.woodmans.com
Legend has it that way back in 1914, this is where Chubby Woodman invented the fried clam. Nearly 100 years later, Woodman's remains the most popular of the various fried clam shacks that populate the Cape Ann peninsula. You can also order fried clam strips, lobster tails, scallops, shrimp and haddock, all available in platters or sandwiches. Those who are super-hungry can get a bucket of steamers followed by lobster. Everything on the menu is made with a gluten-free batter (they coat the shellfish in corn, not wheat flour), except for the crab cakes and onion rings.
Photo courtesy of: Woodman’s of Essex